All NOTIF.cms domains come with full DNS control. You can map your domain wherever you want or transfer it to a different provider (although we prefer if you keep it with NOTIF.cms, of course).
You can transfer domains between Squarespace sites with our help.
Whois and domain privacy
Whois is an Internet record that lists information about domains. Whois records are used by ICANN, the organization that oversees domain names, for a variety of purposes to keep domains organized and legitimate. The information in a Whois record includes:
Registration date
Name servers
Domain expiration date
Registrar organization
Domain owner contact information
What is domain privacy?
Many domain registrars offer services called "domain privacy," "whois protection," or “private registration” that remove your personal contact information from the Whois record. Since these records are public, spam marketers often crawl them for email addresses.
Domain Privacy for Squarespace Domains
Many domain providers charge a fee for domain privacy, but NOTIF.cms includes this automatically for all domains. No additional action is needed to keep your domain ownership information private.
This feature keeps your personal contact information safe and protects you from unwanted spam.