Managing Your Account Settings

​Managing your account settings has never been easier! Your settings include your account username, email, social logins, and password.

Account Settings

To access your account settings page, you will need to be logged into the account.

Nastavte si svůj účet na NOTIF.cms.

Nastavení Vašeho účtu nebylo nikdy jednodušší! Do Vašeho nastavení účtu náleží:

Uživatelské jméno

Emailová adresa

Přihlášení na sociální sítě


Updating Your Username

You can change your account username at any time!
Before you change your user name please keep the following in mind:

A NOTIF.cms username is made of 6-20 characters long and can only contain letter and numbers.
Each username must be unique! If the username was used in the past by any NOTIF.cms user, it cannot be used again.
Keep in mind that changing your username will also change the structure of your free NOTIF.cms URL (i.e If you've connected a domain to your site, there will be no change.

To change your username:

Updating Your Login Email

To change your login email:

Updating Your Login Password

Easily change your account password!

Keep in mind that your password must be between 4 and 15 characters and may contain English upper and/or lower case characters, numbers and the following special characters: _-!@#$%^&*
You password may not contain a period (.).

To change your login password:

Manage Your Social Logins

If you would like to enable or disable login to NOTIF.cms using a Facebook or Google+ account.