NOTIF.cms has one billing
plan. This plan is available in annual or monthly billing cycles.
Selecting a billing plan
depends your needs for your site. The Personal plan is ideal for small sites
run by individuals, while larger ecommerce sites run by a team will need the
Business plan. This guide clarifies the features of each plan and provides some
general recommendations.
License NOTIF.cms
The Business Plan supports everything from small businesses to large online retailers. Unlimited products and advanced integrations with Shipstation and Xero simplifies building an online brand and managing sales. If your site is focused on ecommerce and sells more than 20 products, the Business Plan is what you're looking for.
Key features:
Unlimited Pages, Galleries, and Blogs
Unlimited contributors
Unlimited products
Accept donations
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited storage
Built-in mobile design
Pro nákup licence jsme pro Vás připravili krátkou nápovědu.
1. Registrujte se na NOTIF.cms
2. Přihlaste se na NOTIF.cms
3. V horní části menu naleznete tlačítko "Chci to mít". Klikněte na něho.
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4. Zobrazí se Vám stránka licence NOTIF.cms. Přidejte licenci do nákupního košíku.
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5. Vyplňte všechny potřebné údaje ke koupi. Nevíte Jak?
6. Potvrďte nákup.
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7. Zaplaťte licenci.
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8. Gratulujeme, jste vlastník licence NOTIF.cms.
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